Monday, April 13, 2009

He is still alive!

Dear Diary,

Jack made it through another hour! Still no antidote! He is showing signs of losing his memory and the doctor said he could go through some personality changes! What if he turns out to be like Harrison Ford in Regarding Henry? (What a sweet character, but, no hero)

Based on past shows, I really expect him to make a full recovery. What a man!

Hopefully I will have something "real" to post in the next few days. I have been working so hard at my on-line college classes and in school that I need a break from reality and Jack does provide that.

I'm taking a soldering class Friday night. (Do I need to worry about welding arcs?) We will be making charms. Any ideas on what little bits to take? I have been wanting to learn this for a long time. I can't wait. I want to make a necklace that will jingle like the neighbors cat when I walk!


Tumble Fish Studio said...

Well, I don't watch much TV - only NCIS as my family is addicted to it and it is always on. And, my indulgence is Frasier and Will and Grace, late at night as I am finishing work or finally going to bed. So, can't relate to your Jack angst, but I do hope he comes out fine just for you.

I am completely jealous of your soldering class. If I would've known, I would've sent you some license plates that you could cut up and use as monogram charms. I have a ton. That's what I was going to do with them and alas I have no idea how to do it! Can't wait to see what you make!

Thanks again, friend!

eclectic archivist said...

Hang in there Jack, we know you can do it!

Anonymous said...

I don't think I've ever seen a sexier photo of Kiefer Sutherland. Thanks for I think I may go have my own personal party, or a cold shower.