Thursday, January 15, 2009

Graceful Aging

Dear Diary,

I laughed so hard reading Marsha of Tumble Fish's comments on my Altered Barbie Post. I never dreamed I'd have flabby arms, back boobs, gray hair, a mustache, and wrinkles like crevices on my face! But hey, I'm beautiful! The lady at the drive through window at Wendy's says I look like Elizabeth Taylor. (But I've never asked her at which age.)


June said...

I think you are beautiful too ... And as for me ? I hit 50 this year ... is that old ? I am not sure but i don't mind a bit
Hugs June x

Flippinpest said...

Its much better to grow old DISGRACEFULLY I have found!

S. Belle said...


Liz always looks fabulous no matter what age. And it totally beats being told you look like a grandmother.

I believe I am growing old disgracefully like flippinpest.


Tumble Fish Studio said...

It is so funny that we "revealed" ourselves at the same time. I had no idea you put your pic up too! I meant to go blog hopping last night but got sidetracked. Then decided to post something with a picture and since I had no new work done - I put myself up and also mentioned gray hair and facial hair and wrinkles! Great minds . . . . At least neither of us has back hair, I bet! THAT would be the worst! Wait, do I? Now I'll have to check.

Anyway, you look fabulous, darling! Really. I have met Elizabeth Taylor on more than one occasion. She had a crush on my husband when he was working with her on a movie. I've even been to her house. So, you can believe me when I say, she has nothin' on you, baby!

Gray hair ladies UNITE! And, flabby arm ladies, and . . . .

Leslie said...
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Leslie said...

I've always thought you look like Buffy, Sarah Michelle Gellar!